Thursday, December 4, 2008

The beginning of my zero carb path.

I started 2008 eating Atkins low carb diet with about 40 to 50 pounds to lose. By October of 2008 I had lost 30 pounds. I found the Zero Carb thread at Livin La Vida Lo Carb Discussion forum. I had been toying with dropping my carb level to nearly zero before I found this thread but I still believed that humans needed dietary carbohydrate to survive. I found out through this thread by the examples of Charles Washington and others who were living the Zero Carb life that it could be done. People can be perfectly healthy with no dietary carbohydrate. I gradually went to meat, eggs water and some cream and butter. I was still having issues with acid indigestion and dropped the dairy and eggs. After about 3 days. I no longer had any acid indigestion.
I have now been zero carb with no artificial sweetener except for a couple of slips on Thanksgiving since October 28 after which I did suffer a bout of acid indigestion. My skin is clearer than it has been since I was a child.

I am losing the desire for sweets and can live my life without being hungry. I eat meat and fat when I am hungry.

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